
Journey Of SOME

Phase One:

Foundation & Visibility (Current Phase) Launch: Initiated on April, establishing the project's presence in the market. Platform Listings: Acquisition of listings on CoinMarketCap & other analytics platforms to ensure visibility & accessibility. Marketing and Web Development: Extensive marketing campaigns & the development of an enhanced project website with AI integration to provide a superior user experience.

Phase Two:

Exchange Listings and NFT Development Centralized Exchange Listings: Working towards being listed on major Centralized Exchanges (CEX) to broaden market access & improve liquidity. NFT Development: Initiation of the design and creation of 1000 unique NFTs, preparing for the subsequent minting phase.

Phase Three:

NFT Launch and DEX Development NFT Launch: Deployment of the NFT series, available for minting at a fixed price of 1 SOL each, to deepen community engagement. SOME Swap Development: Commencement of the Society Of Meme Private Swap (DEX) development to enable efficient, decentralized token swaps.

Phase Four:

Expansion and Society Of Meme Private Swap Launch DEX Launch: Official introduction of the Society Of Meme Private Swap, facilitating secure, decentralized exchanges within the ecosystem. Expansion Efforts: Focus on broadening the project’s scope & reach. This may involve forming new partnerships, exploring additional market opportunities, extending the project's features, and enhancing community engagement strategies to foster a more robust and diverse ecosystem.

Last updated